Phil McNeely, MPP and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Environment
Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association Annual General Meeting
Friday, March 22, 2013
Now, let me turn to the subject of end-of-life vehicles.
As you know, the ministry has been working with your organization and other industry members on a proposal to ensure the proper management of end of life vehicles to protect our environment and human health.
Thank you for bringing that proposal forward.
The government has been giving it careful consideration and we appreciate all the work you have done.
It is important to have good environmental standards in place to ensure those processing and recycling end of life vehicles are doing so in a environmentally responsible manner.
Your association has done a lot to promote good environmental practices in the industry and you should be proud of your accomplishments in doing this.
The ministry certainly appreciates your efforts.
As part of the work being done, we are considering approaches for implementing standards for the processing of end-of-life vehicles.
Such standards would include basic, good operational requirements such as ensuring liquids and hazardous materials are removed before a vehicle is crushed.
Any proposal to establish environmental standards for the management of end of life vehicles would of course need to be consulted on broadly with the industry and other stakeholders such as municipalities, and the public.
I know the Minister wanted me to tell you how pleased he is with the active role your industry, your association in particular, has been taking to help us as we look to develop possible standards.
With respect to how we would implement such environmental standards, we would want to ensure this is done in a streamlined and effective way
As you know, the ministry needs to monitor and confirm that proper environmental practices are carried out and to ensure this is done in an open and transparent way, with the right checks and balances.
These checks and balances include an appropriate approach for compliance and enforcement.
The ministry appreciates the significant efforts that the vehicle recycling and manufacturing associations have put into this initiative.We would very much like to continue to work collaboratively to advance our shared goals —achieving positive environmental and economic outcomes from recycling and re-use activities.
In closing, let me again thank all the members of the Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association — for your commitment in helping make Ontario communities cleaner, healthier and more prosperous.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.